Noelle Gibson

Client Service Representative

Favorite thing about your job? Meeting all our interesting clients, from the two legged to the four and everything in between.

Interesting facts about you? I spent my early childhood in South Florida, which sparked my love for animals. I’ve seen everything from baby turtles coming out of the sand, bring surrounded by stingrays, a dolphin popping up right in front of me, manatees and alligators.

If I weren’t so good at my job, I would be a… I can’t really imagine anything else. I was a vet tech for 7 years before this, but if I had a choose something else I would want to work at a big zoo.

If I were a superhero, my superpower would be… To Fly

If I were an animal, I would be a… Turtle! They trust their instincts from the time they are born, they are extremely resourceful and faster than most people think.

My favorite core value about ACAH is teamwork because we all have the same goal, to give our patients the care and attention they need. When once area of the clinic is falling behind we all come together to help so at the end of the day we have reached our goal..


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